
Respite - Breaks for Carers

Respite or ‘short term’ care allows carers a break from looking after a disabled person, someone who is severely ill or frail older person. Carers can take a break when they most need it, knowing that the person they look after is safe and receiving good care. The respite care service gives carers the freedom to decide when and where they take a break from caring.

More information can be found on the Wakefield Council website. 

Carefree is a charity which provides breaks for unpaid carers- up to two nights accommodation free, not including a £25 admin fee. 

To be referred for a break contact Wakefield and District Carers who are now trusted referrers to Carefree. Alternatively you are able to refer yourself through the Carefree website. 

Last updated: 5/12/2023