This site has been developed with the support of Wakefield Healthwatch citizen’s panel and partner organisations across Wakefield District. If you have any feedback on the site please email


What is a carer?

A carer is anyone who looks after a family member, partner, or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, mental health problem or addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid and would include parent carers of a disabled child, young adult and young carers looking after a member of the family.

Many people who care for others don't see themselves as carers. This is because they see themselves as a husband, wife, partner, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend etc.

It may be a good idea to let your GP know that you care for someone, so that they can link you to a wide range of support

Last updated: 8/11/2022