
What if I want support from others I see as like me?

Outwood Stroke Club

We are a small group of stroke survivors and helpers. We meet every other Thursday between 10.30 and 2.30.

We spend part of our meetings chatting and catching up with news. We try to have a speaker or entertainer for the rest of the meeting. Our members appreciate being able to talk to other Stroke survivors, they know what it is like.

We will welcome new members. Please get in touch.

Move Ahead Wakefield

Move Ahead is an independent day centre based in Outwood, Wakefield for people with brain injuries and their carers, members can take part in creative activities with an emphasis on painting, drawing and group activities.

Ossett Stroke Club

Open to new members from the Ossett area and beyond. Our club offers social and peer support in a relaxed atmosphere.

We have a varied programme of activities, including outside speakers. We also organise the occasional day trip. We look forward to hearing from you.

You can get in touch with this group for up-to-date information about activities using the web form. Your contact details will go straight to the group leader so they can get in touch.

Wakefield Stroke Recovery Service

Our Stroke Recovery Service will work with you to identify your personal support needs and priorities. A coordinator will contact you to organise a phone call and/or home visit to find out how you’re managing with daily activities, and any additional support you may require. Our service can offer you opportunities to rebuild confidence and independence and help you to rebuild your life after stroke.

This service offers:

  • Coordinated support throughout your stroke journey
  • Home visits and/or regular telephone calls
  • Emotional support
  • Tailored information
  • A post stroke review between 4-8 months following date of stroke.
  • Assistance with accessing community-based support
  • Support for carers and family members

Signposting to other relevant organisations.


Care and support for elderly, disabled and vulnerable people, in their own homes, in the Wakefield District.

Age UK

Our team are trained to identify the information that will best answer your questions. This might be by sending you our advice guides or helping you to find local services run by Age UK in your area. If we can’t help, we will direct you to the best place to go for further support and advice.

Last updated: 5/15/2023