
Healthy Housing Pathway

The Wakefield Health Housing Pathway is a scheme that provides support to people who have issues with:

  • Fuel poverty,
  • High energy bills,
  • Cold, damp or draughty housing,
  • Broken heating or hot water systems,
  • Poor or hazardous housing conditions,
  • Problems with private landlords.

You may be offered grants or loans to help with improvements to your home, such as insulation.

This service is interested in helping people who are vulnerable in the Wakefield District including:

  • People aged over 60.
  • A household with a child under 16.
  • People with conditions or illnesses that are made worse by cold or damp.

The scheme is only for people who are privately renting or own their own home. If you are a Wakefield District Housing (WDH) tenant, you should contact WDH so they can support you.

You can complete an online application to apply for the Health Housing Pathway scheme. The form can be found here. For more information, you can visit this webpage or contact

Last updated: 5/12/2023