
Healthy Housing Pathway

Fuel poverty leads to cold homes which in turn can lead to a range of health and wellbeing problems, including respiratory diseases and infections.

If you believe you are in fuel poverty, you can contact Wakefield Council’s Healthy Homes pathway for help with the following issues:

  • Cold, damp or draughty homes
  • High fuel bills and/or poor home energy efficiency
  • Broken heating or hot water system
  • Poor and hazardous housing conditions
  • Problems with private landlords

In some cases, there may be grants and loans available to help with the cost of making home heating and insulation improvements.

The service is particularly interested in supporting vulnerable groups in Wakefield District. For example:

  • Aged over 60
  • A household with a child aged under 16
  • Those with conditions or illnesses that are made worse by cold or damp housing conditions

You can complete the online application or if you have any queries contact

More information about the Wakefield Healthy Housing Pathway can be found on the website.

Last updated: 5/12/2023