
Funding legal costs

Funding legal costs

Information about legal aid and eligibility criteria can be found on GOV.UK. In addition, the Citizens Advice Bureau has an online factsheet about legal costs.
Other sources of assistance and support include:

  • Car insurance or Household insurance.
  • Trade Union membership may offer legal support.
  • Free advice clinics provided by Law Works may be a source of support if you are not eligible for legal aid, you will find a list of clinics here (these are not necessarily based in the Wakefield District).
  • The Citizens Advice Bureau provides an online factsheet about legal aid.
  • The Bar Pro Bono Unit employs volunteer barristers to provide people with free legal advice and representation in court and in tribunal cases. It only helps people who cannot afford to pay and cannot obtain legal aid. You need to be referred to the Bar Pro Bono Unit by a Citizens Advice Bureau, Law Centre or MP. More information is available here.
Last updated: 8/11/2022