This site has been developed with the support of Wakefield Healthwatch citizen’s panel and partner organisations across Wakefield District. If you have any feedback on the site please email


An advocate is a person who supports and helps you to explain and say what you want if you find it difficult to do by yourself.

Advocates can help you:

  • access information and services
  • be involved in decisions about your life
  • explore choices and options
  • defend and promote your rights and responsibilities
  • speak out about issues that matter to you.

Local authorities and health providers have a duty to provide access to advocacy services under the Care Act (to enable everyone to be involved in the social care process) and under the Mental Capacity Act (to help certain people to make specific decisions).


Wakefield Advocacy Together Hub brings together all statutory advocacy services in Wakefield and provides a single point of referral. Their phone line and email will be answered by a duty advocate who will be able to provide information and guidance about all advocacy services and who can access them.

There are four steps to the Peer Leadership Development Programme. They know that people will be joining for different reasons and with different goals. Also, know that becoming a Peer Leader is a step in a personal journey that often starts with experiencing the benefit of personalised care in your own life or the life of someone close to you.

When they say, ‘Peer Leader’, we mean ‘a person with lived experience who is committed to working collaboratively with the health and care system to influence the way personalised care is developed and delivered’.

Who can join the Peer Leadership Development Programme?

The Peer Leadership Development Programme is open to everyone but is mainly aimed at people who could benefit from personalised care, for example, disabled people, people who have a long-term health condition and/or their family carer.

Find out more here. 

Last updated: 8/11/2022