Thinking about how you use your kitchen
Finding the right equipment can make life easier for you. Select an option below.
Do you need help gripping or holding things?
Drinking cups
Dinnerware that is adapted is order to make eating easier for a person with reduced ability in their hands.
Drinking straws
May be used where a person is unable to hold a cup or where they have swallowing difficulties.
Dinnerware that is adapted is order to make eating easier for people with reduced ability in their hands.
Dinnerware that is adapted is order to make eating easier for people with reduced ability in their hands.
Tap turner
Enables people with reduced hand function or weak grip to turn taps on and off.
Kettle tipper
Safely pour boiling water without handling the full weight of the kettle.
Dustpan and brush
For people who have back pain or other difficulties bending.
Do you have trouble standing to prepare food?
Perching stool
An angled seat with or without arms which assists a person in the bathroom or kitchen where they are unable to stand for long periods of time to undertake an activity.